Oxford Dictionary defines leadership as “The action of leading a group of people or an organization.”
The responsibility of Indigenous leaders is to take care of the people and the community; it’s a collective responsibility that overshadows individual needs. Effective leaders stand with their people, gather with them to gain their insight, listen effectively and make decisions with the support of the people.
Chief Michel Dokis was recognized as a ‘life’ chief by the Department of Indian Affairs and is well known for his vow to William Robinson upon signing the 1850 Robinson/Huron Treaty to “never surrender the timber” within his lands that was set aside for his people.
Dokis First Nation Chief and Council trust in the importance of being responsible, honest and accountable to its membership. Strategic planning and policy development are always closely associated with community engagement, and effective communication is important in maintaining what Dokis First Nation leadership is accomplishing and working towards for its membership.
As the leaders of the Dokis First Nation, Chief and Council require critical thinking and knowledge of public administration and governance. Chief and five Councillors provide leadership to Dokis First Nation that oversee the work of the organization directly and indirectly through the Executive Director.
Chief and Council – 2022-2024
Chief – Gerry Duquette Jr.
Deputy Councillor – Roland Restoule
Councillor – Denise Restoule
Councillor – Chris A. Dokis
Councillor – Derek (Bud) Restoule
Councillor – Paige Restoule
Executive Director – Pamela Restoule

Missing from photo: Deputy Councilor Roland Restoule